Monday, August 21, 2006

Andy's Theory of Time Travel

Walking out of the grocery store, armed with contra band candy for Snakes on a Plane, I noticed a disgarded toothbrush package. Joking, I said, "Someone really couldn't wait to brush their teeth." Three steps later, we spy the toothbrush, tossed to the ground.

Strange, I thought. The person must have decided they really didn't need a toothbrush that bad.

Andy reached a totaly different conclusion.

He said, "Someone came running out of the store, ripped open the package, and brushed their teeth while running, allowing them to jump forward in time."


"Plague was invented to prevent us from time travelling."

"You're a crazy man."

"Well, you only brush your teeth while standing still. Try running and brushing and see what happens."

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