Saturday, September 02, 2006


Andy brought a cold home about two weeks ago the way other kids bring home frogs and what to know if we can keep it.

On friday he wasn't feeling good enough to go for dinner but on Saturday he was okay to go to a movie. So by Sunday when he was all stuffy and coughing, I assumed he was being overly dramatic. I now regret secretly making fun of him behind his back. Yes, I'm a bad wife. I believe my sick husband was faking it.

Monday he stayed home from work, so that was my first hint he really was ill. This man never stays home. Ever. I made soup and he slept most of the day. Tuesday he was back at work but still coughing.

Wednesday I woke up with a sore throat. Thursday my ears hurt. Weird. Sinus pressure, I guess. By the end of the working day, I couldn't hear a damn thing my head and ears were so stuffy. Andy went out a brought back soup from my favorite resturaunt. Friday I stayed home. This is the day that Natalie also went home from work early with similar symptoms. Saturday my lungs ached and it was difficult to breath. Sunday I had to work but I spent the day coughing and looking pathetic. Monday wasn't much better but I actually started to feel like a human being again.

Andy's cold kicked my ass. I'm sorry for not believing him.

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