Saturday, October 20, 2007

If I Had a Billion Dollars

Tonight, discussing oue normal Saturday night topics, I announced that if I had a $120 billion dollars I'd build a space elevator. It would be the 3rd thing I would do with my money.

As little bit later I said that the 4th thing I would do with my $120 billion dollars would be to hire Natalie as my full time chef.

Del said, "Out of curiosity, what would be the first and second thing?"

Without hesitation I said, "I'd kidnapped authors and create a 'nature preserve' of a writer's natural habitat. You know, tiny drafty apartments with leaky roofs. And they would write for me."

Del looked horrified.

"Oh, I'd be evil. Whatever I did to get a 120 billion dollars made me evil."

"So the space elevator would be your liar?"


As a side note, the second thing is less evil: be Ian Wright's sidekick on his travel show, Globe Trekker. It'd be awesome.

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