Friday, October 31, 2008

The Perfect Story Idea

It's Halloween, two hours before Nanowrimo officially starts and I've had half a beer.

The gang watched the Incredible Hulk. Not a terrible movie. Not a good movie, either. Too much Ed Norton makin' googie eyes at Liv Tyler and not enough Hulk smashing.

At the end of the evening, someone made a snarky comment about Ang Lee and Sense and Sensibility.

"Yeah, Jane Austen moviea needed more robots from the future," I said.

Del was flabergasted. I've had half a beer, after all. "What?"

"Oh, you haven't read the book. In the book the sisters are really robots from the future who solve crimes."

"Sense and Sensibility with robots from the future."


"Are there zombies in it?" Derek asked.

"Willowby is a zombie. He was only after Mariane's brains."

"I would love to see that movie."

And it occurs to me, I must write Sense and Sensibility with crime solvin', zombie huntin' robots from the future. Awesome.

Half a beer, like I said. I'm a lightweight.

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