Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Secret Ingredient is Fire

Did you ever have a moment where you were so embaresed you whishedyou could just sink through the floor and simultaniously erase everyone's memory? Yeah, that happened to me at work today.

So I had a little bowl of raman nooodles. Add water, microwave, and *poof* delicious noodles. I peeled back the paper lid, added water, and set the timer for three minutes.

50 second later there's sparking and Stephanie says ever so calmly, "You lunch is on fire."

What! Sure enough, the paper lid is in flames. Apparently the paper lid was not paper but was lined with foil.

"I don't understand," I said.

"Well, maybe if you didn't put foil in the microwave, it ouldn't catch fire."

But it's the same brand I've always used and I made the noodle bowl exactly the same way I've always made it. It just does not make any sense as to why it would catch fire now.

Simpathetic co-workers offered me the polite out that perhaps the company had changed the packaging. I more than eagerly agreed. Yeah, stupid packaging!

So I scrubbed the soot out of the microwave, offered to buy a new one if the machine was broken, and ate the noodles. I was straving! And it was way too cold to walk up the street for a hoagie. Desperate, I ate the charcol noodles. And you knowwhat, they were delicious! The best noodles ever. Apparently, the secret ingredient is fire.

1 comment:

Athene19 said...

Yeah, yeah, the ultimate cover-up of a culinary disaster - "But it's sooo much better!" Ever heard the phrase 'Liar liar pants on fire'...?!