Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Operation Snaggletooth

It's been 24 hours now since the operation and I'm starting to feel like a human being again.

First off, I was awake for the surgery. When I called the office Monday afternoon, they said I did not have to fast for general anesthetia. Imagine how upset I was when the nurse told me hat it was localized anesthetia or nothing, I could wait a week if I really wanted to be unconscious...I didn't want to wait a week but I didn't want to be awake...

Okay, awake it is. And it was horrible. Never, ever, ever be awake when you're having a tooth removed. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It didn't hurt but the sound....The worst part was when I heard the bone break.

(Ugh. I can't stop shivering when I think about it.)

I will say that yuo have to be pretty damn strong to be a dentist, because that man had to hold me down and I was squirming and fighting.

So, only luke warm soup and soft foods. NO chewing for another day. Which is fine because I can't get my mouth open more than a crack.

The swelling's down. The bleeding stopped. And it doesn't even hurt too much anymore. I am hungry, though. I haven't had proper food in week. Last night I actually dreamed of pancakes, which is an insight to how sad I am and how much I love pancakes, I guess.

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