Monday, January 30, 2006

Lost revelations

While cruising a Lost forum, I found a link to Uncyclopedia, which seems to be Wiki's evil twin. And it has the funniest Lost entry every. Oscar Wilde is a cast membre and the everyone is on Gilligan's Island. A bit silly, but fun.

And then it got to the final conclusion of the show in sesion 130:

The Final Truth

It will be revealed on the final episode (season 130) that none other than the great Chuck Norris is behind the entire series. Father to the entire cast, Norris downed the airplane with a roundhouse kick, which caused the plane to crash in Norris's swimming pool. The entire time, it was just Chuck Norris fucking around with the survivors with the aid of his Time Travel-capable cock.

Chuch Norris! It's so obvious!

(And Verve has pointed out that Facts about Vin Disel appeared on the net about a year before Chuck Norris. And my response is we need to make facts about Steve McQueen. Fact number one: Despite being deceased, Steve McQueen continues to do his own stunts.)

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