Sunday, April 09, 2006

Thrift Store Finds

Last Saturday the Natalie and I decided to go cruising the trift stores in Philly. We love thrift.

As I'm getting ready to leave, Andy holds up a bowl and says, "If you find one of these bowls, get it."

He's holding Fiestaware, which it collectable and does not turn up often abandoned at the Goodwill. And this isn't a regular bowl that comes with a place setting, it' the large pasta bowl. I say, "Umm...sure." Thinking to myself, Yeah, right. I'll find one of those bowls when pigs fly.

The first shop, the first shelf I looked it...A dark teal bowl. Exactly what Andy specified and in a color I like. Damn. I mean, the chances are slim for finding any Fiestaware, let alone the freaking pasta bowl in dark teal.

I think that bowl pop into existence that morning, when Andy said I should pick up the bowl if I found one. It didn't exist until that moment.

Plus, the bow was marked for $2, so it was bargain.


Anonymous said...

Mel, you forgot to mention that you also found the ugliest cup in the world in this tiny store.

Nancey said...

Listen, "Anonymous"...I know it's you, Jule! And I love that cup. But yes, it is pretty vulgar.