Saturday, June 24, 2006

Doctor Who series two

As much as I loved the first series of the ne Doctor Who, I've been underwhelmed by series two, with the new New Doctor (David Tennant.) At first I couldn't put my finger on what was different, other than the obvious: a new new Doctor. Tne I realized, the writing of the episodes of not good. It's just not. The episodes are uneven and frequently Plotonium is used in the last five minutes for the Doctor to save the day. And there is nothing as cheap as Plotonium.

The first episdoe, "New Earth" made no sense. People who can spread disease by a touch can't neccessarily spread the cure by a touch. It doesn't follow. Plotonium.

"The Iron Claw" was okay. A bit too much of the Doctor being chased through Victoriana by a werewolf for my taste. And Rose kept trying to make the Queen say, "We are not amused." Someone needed to smack her.

"The Girl in the Fireplace" was a good idea, but it got bogged down by sticky sentiment. And, how creepy are the clockwork robots?

The Cybermen episodes were merely okay. They weren't fantastic.

I did enjoy the "Impossible Plant/Satan Pit" episodes, if only because it was a simple, straight forward, fight a monster story. No clever tricks. No social commentary. Just the Doctor and Lovecraftian-like telepathic squids in space with something horrible in a pit under the planet. A good, solid story. And I like saying "Squids in Space!"

But "Love and Monsters" is a truly great episode. It was fun and clever but not cloying and sentimental. True, the Doctor and Rose where like guest stars in their own show, but it was a good story. No plotonium. No sentimental sticky spots. Plus, there's a Scooby Doo like chase scene that had me laughing out loud.

I'd have to give the second series a B. Good but not fanastic. Frankly, I expected more. Previous work has been exceptional and I can tell you are not work to your full potential.

Please thuroughly revise Series Three, to remove the weak plot points and unnecessary use of Plotonium, before submitting it for consideration.


Anonymous said...


I'm Clare's friend Tara, just to let you know that the sidekick in the new up and comming Dr Who is someone Clare and I went to school with!(Freema)

Just a bit of trivia for you.


Athene19 said...

Oh and I happened to hang out with her for the first two weeks of starting school (courtesy of Sr Sheila)