Sunday, October 29, 2006

a drug-dealer free day

So, since this summer the drug dealers in my apartment complex have...changed. Not to be naive, I know there's aloways some drug traffic anywhere, but before he dealers were teenagers and not very threatening. Now we have gang members and they scare me. Constant complaints to the building management didn't seem to do anything. Management didn't want to evict these guys, despite the constant police activity, and the people moving out. (I took this to mean that someone ion management was working with the gang.) Frankly, I'm at the end of my rope and will move when the lease is up. Andy can complain all he wants about moving boxes, but I am not going to live here anymore.

There is good news, however. Last Thursday there was a bust and a raid on the gang member's apartments. Lots of people were arrested, including someone in management. (I knew it!)

It's only been two days without our scary dealers but I can feel the difference. No group of guys lurking outside the building all the time, no matter the weather. No cars driving up and down that crappy, pot-hole riddeled road, stopping to buy. No arguements in the parking lot. No people shouting. It's quiet. It's nice.

Here's an article about a nervous reporter that tagged along with an undercover cop. I'm sure being with an undercover cop is frightening, but this guys is overly dramatic. There are no junkies hanging outside in the parking lot, harrassing people. Most of the traffic happens at either the gas station next door (which I will not use anymore) or cars will drive down pot-hole ridden road I affectionatly call the "surface of Mars." Anyway, this reporter paints my apartment complex way worse than it is. As I was reading it, I recognized features of the buildings but I keep asking myself, "Where was this guy?"

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