Saturday, October 21, 2006

It's been awhile

I haven't posted in bit. Lots of things have been going in Pennsylvania.

First, Andy got the job at Temple University. Yea! He now takes the train in every morning and actually ten minutes away from my office. We tried to do the dropping him off in the morning thing and it's just too much of a hassle. Plus, I'm not always in Center City at the end of the working day. I wouldn't be able to pick him. However, Andy is enjoying the new job.

At first he was nervous about leaving Nexmed, he's been there for nearly nine years. But as the days got closer to the end, I could see the tension dissolving. On the last day he wore a Hawaiian shirt. That weekend he was so happy. Positively bubbling over with joy. He was a cliche of joyfulness.

The first day at Temple, however, Andy went back to being a bundle of nerves. He could find his shoes, which was obviously my fault. He couldn't tie his tie. Every little thing was a major catastrophe.

He's been at Temple for a week now and he's starting to chill. His blood sugar is down. Yesterdya morning it was 95. 95! If this keeps up, he may be able to reduce some of his medication. Which only proves that I was correct is saying that stress made his blood sugar insanely high. I take my victories where I can.

NaNo is fast approaching. This morning the two plotlines I've been fighting with magically came together. It was awesome. I'll post my story ideas on the Lab, but not now. It's late. I'm sleepy.

All my NaNo minions...I mean, friends...collegues, really...Anyway, I've made a nice little NaNo mix tape CD and will put it in the mail. Or just give it to you, which ever is easier.

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