Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Despite my carefully thought out plan for coping with allergies this year, after the slaughter last year, I devised a defensive scheme I lovely thought of as "Operation Allergen Avoidance." Not the snazziest title, but what you going do?

So my plan was a two prong defensive maneuver: allergy medication and constant dusting/vacuuming.

I had some drippy nose issues, but it was working.

As it turned out, the plan did not work.

I woke up in the wee hours of Sunday sneezing. I woke up sneezing. That's never happened before. And it's been a constant barrage of sneezes ever since. I walked around the office yesterday with a box of tissues.

This morning I slowly got out of bed and sneezed. I felt like I was hit by a truck. I took a shower and sneezed, which is the worst thing in my opinion. Once mid shower and needing to sneeze, what do you do? You're wet, tissues are useless.

Anyway, by the time I got out of the shower, it was 7. Seven! I managed to spend 45 minutes in the shower this morning. That has never happened. I think I actually fell asleep. Anyway, I took the missing half hour as a sign that I should stay home. I wasn't fit enough to manage my time and I certainly wasn't fit enough to drive into work in crazy Philly rush hour traffic.

So my day has been sneezing and napping. It's nice. I've closed the windows and turned on the air conditioning, which I hate to do when it's not warm outside and it makes me feel like I'm personally causing global warming, but the AC filters the air and reduces tree pollen.

Stupid trees. Why does there have to be so many trees in Pennsylvania? In Kansas I knew exactly what tree pollen I'm allergic too (cottonwood) but here...Who knows? The damn state is wall to wall trees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why would you need a tissue? You're in the shower, and you can wash your hands instantly...

Oh well, no doubt it's a girly thing.

Hey kiddo. Impossible to reach you guys despite several efforts.
Thought you might recognize the guy in this link-
This video is NOT your beau. But I swear to God this guy sounds just like him reaching the end of any tough video game.
He even makes the patented 'Squeal/Sigh of Anguish' when he gets screwed over. It's a long video that is simultaneously funny as hell and almost painful to watch happen ...
Tell me I'm wrong- Andy plays the last level of Mario Brothers: http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=22986