Thursday, July 10, 2008


Home at last!

The best part of a long trip is coming home. Tuesday night in London I was way cranky and fed up with, "this tiny little island and its tiny little furniture and tiny little showers." Yeah, it was time to go home. Mostly I was tired to rank smelling clothes, damp towels and wearing the same funky smelling shoes for two weeks.

The plane landed 9 p.m. last night, two hours late. I didn't stress it. Although I did start to loose it when the parking garage at the Philly airport proved impossible to exit. All the exits were blocked. Amazingly. Signs would deceptively point to "exit" only to have giant orange barricades blocking the path. I'm glad Andy was driving. If it was me trying to get home after being up for 20 hours, I would probably start to cry with frustration. I was just a little too tired to have to solve a puzzle. (And I will add this to my "Philly is Unnecessarily Hostile" list.)

OK. Shower time. Then laundry. Maybe some grocery shopping. Maybe.

Jenny is updating her blog with the journal she kept during the trip. There you can read how witty and amusing I am. I'm planning on uploading photos and adding my commentary. I'll also share the wonders of the tiniest hotel room in London, with picture proving how small it was, sharing a hostel room with Jesus (or a reasonable facsimile of Jesus), how my camera broke, and getting blisters UNDER my calluses. It was an awesome trip! Oh, and Clare and Reuben's wedding, etc.

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