Saturday, June 25, 2005

One Week

One week to go. Iso excited. I've got my baggage sitting on the spare bed surrounded by all the junk I plan on taking. And I have a countdown schedule, cause you know how I love to make schedules.

Monday: drop off dry cleaning. Make photocopies of passport, cards, ID, etc.
Tuesday: get manicure and pedicure, because it's important to well groomed
Wednesday: pick up dry cleaning, last minute items
Thursday: do laundry, fold, pack, etc.
Friday: Last day of work! Go to the airport.

I love it when a plan comes together.


omouse said...

Packing? You mean I'm supposed to be packing??!?!?!

Athene19 said...

I sincerely hope that packing of some description is taking place... and NOT in a suitcase!!