Saturday, October 01, 2005

Monkey Fish

So the little cat, Ethel, says to me, "Stupid monkey."

"What did you say?"

"You heard me, stupid monkey. M-u-n-k-p-h-i-s-h-e-y. Monkey."

"But there's no ph-"

"The fish is for smelling, no spelling, Munkphishey."


I really shouldn't pick fights the cats.


Athene19 said...

Melissa, sweetie, you need to get out more. Actually, you need to get out NOW! Go out the front door and take a deep breath of fresh Philly air...

(wait 30 secs)

...Better now? Good. Sorry to break your heart, but cats really shouldn't be talking to you.

Especially about monkeys.

Nancey said...

I know, it's sad.