Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Opera Tuesday

This morning I declared the day Opera Tuesday. No reason, just felt like singing. So Andy and I sing as we prepare for the day.

"You must, you must, take the garbage out! It's smelly, it's stinky, it's really whiffy...." I implore through song, pointing to the trash bag.

At this point Andy sang in the squeaky voice we both agree is "the cat." "Not my trash! It's delicious and smells of last night's chicken..."

Mozart it aint but it's ridiculously fun.

Outside, still singing, our neighbor So walks up and sings "Good Morning! Why are we singing!"

I love So. He's good natured in a befuddled sort of way.

And I can't help but laugh at the power of Opera Tuesday. It' contagious.

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