Saturday, December 03, 2005

That's odd

ON my way to get my hair cut this morning, I pass by the Wine & Spirits shop. In the window in a cute display off all the holiday gifts. My eye is caught by a bottle that says: Devonshire Irish Cream Liquor. On the package is a sticker that says, "Imported from Ireland."

I know where Devonshire is. And I know where Ireland is. And I'm pretty sure both Devonshire and the Irish are insulted by this product.


omouse said...

Maybe they imported the Devonshire Cream to make the Irish Liquer?

Athene19 said...

Or maybe like most Americans they have a lack of knowledge of the British Isles and its all so small that a pesky thing like divisions of counties and countries don't matter...??

By most Americans I'm not including you guys. You know more about the UK than me!!!