Saturday, December 31, 2005

What is this phantasmagoria?

I am so addicted to the new series of Dr. Who. Last night Andy, Del, Nat, and I watched four episodes that Will had found online and converted from PAL to play on US dvds. Nothing like pirated Dr,. Who. And the show is so good. The writing is smart but the writing on Dr. Who has always been smart. (That was the higlight of the low-budget show, good writing and good acting.) But this time around they actually have a budget for special effects and production. It looks as good as it should, no grainy film, bad camera shots, and certainly no guys lumbering around in bad monster suites.

The best episode (so far) is one where the Doctor and Rose go back to Cardiff, 1869. There's blue glowing aliens that possess the dead and walk the city and Charles Dickens who shouts out "What is this phantasmagoria!" and "What the dickens!" For the rest of the night we keep repeating, "What is this phantasmagoria!" It's really just a fun word to say.

The fourth episode (can't be bother to look up it's name) was a cliff hanger. Natalie was all, "Put in the next disc!"

"It's midnight," I said, for some reason turing into a responsible adult.

"But the Doctor's in trouble!"

Even though I was all responsible last night and left at midnight and went straight to bed, now I wish we had watched the next episode. The Doctor's in trouble!


Anonymous said...

I've never seen a bad monster suite.
I admit, I don't stay in hotels much, but... ;) Man, I live for your typos.They always make a sick kind of sense, at least to me.

I suppose it would be really large, and maybe be decorated by someone with Herr Frankenstein's fashon sense...

Ah, Dr Who. I always liked the series' glib explainations for its' own failings.
The multiple lives of Dr Who, Reanimations, Daliek upgrades, you name it, the writers really tried to stay on top of the continuity problems and their production companies' goofs.

Nancey said...

A bad monster suite.


That must make it's way into next year's Nano.

Athene19 said...


I love Chris Eccelstone (sp?). But David Tennant (new Doctor Who) is also very quirky-cool.

Glad you're enjoying the new run of series'. I loved the first episode when they said that Britney's Toxic song was the Earth's national theme. Lmfao! And Daleks no longer have a staircase problem... Nooooooooo!!!

Nancey said...

I haven't got there yet!!! Don't tell me...