Thursday, September 16, 2004

If you had a super power, what would it be?

Andy has always said it would be the power to give other people super powers. Every one who hears this nods their headand thinks, "He's really clever."

In a conversation this morning, Andy finished the thought by adding, "I'd give you a new supr power every week. Then I'd build a titanium flying skull with tenacle and lasers in the eyes and you'd get to try and stop me."

Try and stop you?

"Every week. And I'd call the flying skull Fancy."


"Yep. What's that in the garage? Ohmigod, that's Fancy!" And then he does the crazy giggle thing that makes me wonder: when Andy does actually go insane, how will I be able to tell?

Oh, and links proided curtesy of Omouse. She's awesome with the mad hack/html skills. Me, woefully illiterate. If Omouse is reading this, I'd also like a tag board. But that can be a Christmas present.



Athene19 said...

Andy is already insane. Why call a flying titanium skull with lasers and tentacles 'Fancy'? 'Nuff said really.
I guess the only way to tell he's gone clincially insane is if his eyes continually bulge, his hair stands on end, and he develops a gammy leg. Or when tries to turn Imogene into a flying car for time travel. That's when you can emigrate to England. :)

omouse said...

Naw... don't move to England. Send Andy over here. Everyone knows the crazies hang out in L.A.

(And have you scrolled to the bottom of your page yet?)

Athene19 said...

Hey! Don't steal Mel away from me!! I know she secretly wants to emigrate to England; I'm just giving her a good reason to! Besides, sending Andy to L.A. is just a bonus. You get Andy; I get Mel. :D

Nancey said...

It was just a hypothetical question. Honestly.

Athene19 said...

Hey! I'm just fighting for my cause...!!