Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I'm not very good at this writing everyday thing. Bad news. Need to start getting into shape for Nanowrimo. I know, it's two months off, but I'm thinking about it. Having a plan of attack is the most important thing when you dare to write a work of outstanding quality and insight, a veritable monument in literature, in a month. Okay, when you dare to commit 50k words arrange in such an order that it is coherent and resembles a story...that's pretty tough stuff.

Today...aced tickets to see Micheal Moore speak next week in Philly. Camden, actually. Just across the river in New Jerwey, it's Philly East. Tickets were only $6. Cool. I enjoy his documentaries. Mostly, I enjoy the way he speaks his mind, even when it's not popular and the entire audience at the Academy Awards is booing.

Sunday afternoon I noticed a new feature on the Andy. He's sitting in the big yellow chair in the living room, tv on, and I walk in saying something or other. He says, "I'm asleep."

"Really? You're asleep?" Andy has been known to sleep with his eyes open and hold coherent conversations. Never remembers any of it, mind you, but at the time you can't tell.

"I'm asleep," he repeats. Must be asleep.

I go to putz around the kitchen, make a little din-din and I hear him shout, "I'm asleep!"

Great, the shouting that he's asleep whilst asleep: another great feature for the Andy. And the snoring...It's a wonder I get any sleep at all. I'm always dead tired in the morning. Marriage is really cool on the whole, but some bits really suck. Mostly the bits that suck revolve around the fact that I can not share a blanket and Andy snores. Still better than a poke in the eye, though.

Another day, another great adventure.

1 comment:

Nancey said...

Omouse Strikes Again. Doo doot doo doot doo doot.