Wednesday, September 08, 2004

So I've been playing around with this thing for like an hour, trying to get links to Omouse's and Athene19's kick ass blogs, respectively. It ain't working. I followed the Omouse's instructions, but to be honest, when it comes to computers and HTML, I'm like a chimpanzee poking at it with a stick. Just a lot of screaming and jumping up and down on my part.

Maybe this will work: and Check 'em out. They're my best friendss. Ahhh...

As for my working day...went to work. Pouring rain. The drive took an extra fifteen minutes because a) first day back at school and b) no one seemed to be actually driving. I got stuck behind some woman with a car full of kids who thought it necessary to stop and say hello to everyone she saw walking down the street. It just makes me grind my teeth. And then I lay on my horn and become one of those bitchy drivers you hate, always honkinbg 'cause their mad at something. I hate being that person.

Got a manicure and a pedicure after work, so the universe balances out. How is that? Makes me feel better, so there.

I now have plans to lay in bed and finish reading Something Rotten, the latest most brillant novel by Jasper Fforde. (He claims it's his real name.) It's killing me that I don't know which book Yorrick Kaine comes from. I think I'm in the right direct, but Omouse assures me I haven't a clue. However, I did figure out who Granny Next really was, so there. Actually, I had suspicions in the last (Well of Lost Plots) book.

Okay, another day another adventure.

1 comment:

omouse said...

Well, you could also just give me your password and I could do the techno stuff for you.

I promise I won't post anything you wouldn't want your mum to read.