Saturday, May 28, 2005


It seems I have been remiss in mentioning my birthday. It was very nice. Andy left out my present on the table the night before, just to taunt me. It was smallish, like a book, but he kept saying he got me an adventure. I couldn't stand the anticipation!

The next morning, I torn into it, revealing a little red journal and gift certificates to my favorite clothing store and a videogame store. Cool.

After a hard day of me parading around saying I could possibly answer the phone or do any paperwork because it was my birthday, Andy took me out to dinner, the food was average. But the Rasberry Martini I ordered was huge! Clearly it was some sort of novelty glass as it was twice the size of a regular martini glass. But I drank it, no complaints here.

After dinner, Andy took me out for a water ice. We're standing in line at the Dairy Delight (corny name, I know) and there's an entire little league team in front of us. One kid, #8, kept throwing his hat in the air and shouting "Orange Sherbert!" I meanwhile, was a little tipsy and felt the need to tell people it was my birthday. When it comes down to it, I'm a cheap drunk.

Grandma called when I got home. All the conversation I was good for was "martinis and ice cream." Now she thinks I'm a lush.

And the following Saturday I went to the mall and spent all those loverly gift ertificates. I got the game, Psychonauts, which is so cool!!!

Sunday, the Natalies and Delmar held a Mel-B-Que, to celebrate my slow approach to 30. The tree in the back yard was decorated with a half dozen little violet and deep purple packages hanging from the branches. I said, "You got me a Pennsylvania Present Tree for my birthday? Cool!"

And the moral of the story is that everything is cool on your birthday.

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