Saturday, May 07, 2005

Amazing Linguistic Tricks

Last night, the Natalies and I went to Chicken Holiday (which is a silly name, I know, but they have good chicken) and the guy behind the countr said to me, "I tell from your accent that you spent some time in Texas."

Me, stunned, said, "Um, yeah. I spent a good bit of my childhood in Texas."

"And you were also in Kansas City."

I practically fainted. That's a dead impressive parlor trick.


Athene19 said...

Woah! That is scary! I wonder if the same person would know if Anna and I were related? We do speak rather differently and all...

omouse said...

A regular doctor Higgins!

I wonder if he could decipher me, as I've lived in so many places... and been around a bunch of Latinos at school.

Footprint said...

the eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn from the crow...