Monday, May 16, 2005

My Continuing Adventures in Russian Cuisine

I love food. And I'm all for trying new, exotic dishes. I'm all for ordering something called Thousand Year Bread because it sound cool. But I swear, there are somethings I know are nasty just by looking at 'em.

I'm at a Russian client's house this afternoon. Usually an appointment with a Russian involves tea, etc and I've come to accept that there is no way for me to avoid this. I eat a light lunch and get on with it.

So I was offered tea, accepted and was served a bowl of "groscha" with the tea. Apparently this is dish of cold chicken, hard boiled eggs, dill, green stuff, topped with sour cream. It didn't look bad. Then the woman poured some cold brown liquid all over it. Not merely enough for a dressing, enough to turn the bowl into soup.

And then brown stuff...It was like beer, but maltier and more fermented and vaguely sweet, like a prehistoric beer that could jump you in an alley and take all your money.

So I guess groscha (only my phonetic spelling)is beer soup. I was told this dish is served on warm summer days.

And you know how good I am at acting. I couldn't take two polite sips befor everyone knew it "was not for me." I didn't want to be rude but I couldn't even force myself to choke the beer soup down. Easily one of the grossiest culinary things to cross my path ever.


Athene19 said...

It sounds a bit like Borstch which is a kind of meat soup, although it is usually made with beef. It's more likely to be Gorky, which is chicken in a sauce made from heated vodka, feta cheese, flour and tomato. I personally wouldn't eat either.

Nancey said...

I've had borstch, I like it. It's bright red because of the beets. Never seen a bowl of Gorky, though.