Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hi from Kansas!

Just a quick word. I'm currently at my mom's, stealing a cuople minutes on the computer.

Word count is 32,500 approx. I haven't been doing as much writing as I would like.

Oh, I'm staying that night at Mom's new house. It's very nice. Very blue. And for some reason, I'm staying in what i refer to as the "Jesus Room." There's a freaking picture of Jesus on the wall and the Lord's prayer. It's weird. Not a single item of religious parafanlia has ever graced my mother house but know Jesus will be watching me sleep. Creepy.

1 comment:

Kansasgal2 said...

Gotta say Howdi From Kansasgal!
Hope you enjoyed your stay in good ole oz, it was at least wonderful weather!!
Even if you had to sleep in the Jesus room.....he watches you even when your NOT in there :)