Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Finally! And yes, I paused mid-sentence while typing to bring you this breaking news.

Didn't get much done last night. I was curled up in bed by 8pm. Damn cold. It's kicking my ass. Just snuffly enough to be annoying and not sleep comfortably and always tired. Not tired enough to stay home but tired enough to go to sleep two hours early. Maybe I need another day home to rest. I know, poor Mel...boo freakin' hoo.

Found a cool website on which you can Rate Your Writing. You can post and have fellow writers give criticism but the amount you get to post is directly related to the amount of other's work that you rate. Last night I posted two chapters from Nano2002, The Writer's Commune. You know, while I was dead ashamed by what I wrote in 2002, now that I reread it, I'm thinking it's not half bad. Mainly I'm amazed by how funny the characters are because I don't remember it being funny when I wrote it. Maybe the characters are actually changing the book from the inside...Oh, how Ffordian!

As for the current work, ACK! My God, these girls never want to do what I tell them. I think that the remaining chapters will be from Virginia's point of view. Writing Charlotte is too hard. After this is over, you know in December, I'll have time to go back and tease good narration out of the girl but not now. And I also think the story will flesh out nicely once Jenny can give me a hand. :) [Mel desperately pleads with Jenny: Remember, this was our idea! I only said I'd knock out the rough draft for Nanowrimo. You can't leave me on my own with this mess. Please.]

So that's where I'm at. Virginia got the girls into detention on the first night without really trying too hard, Josephine gave the scullery maids a rousing pep talk about the rights of workers, and Charlotte is always getting lost an blundering into the wrong places that I suspect she may be going blind. However, the blundering is a handy plot device and I don't think I'm going to take the blind remark seriously, even though I did spend a few minutes going, "Blind? Hmm...that'd take at least two chapters to talk about and then there'd be all this tension with Charlotte's Blind Angst...hmmm...No, can't run away from bad guys when you're blind."

Damn, I'm still thinking about Charlotte going blind. Someone needs to talk me out of it.


Athene19 said...

Charlotte cannot go blind. Its unthinkable. Although she could just get really bad eyesight and still fumble around and get lost. Eyeglasses were not all popular or common or affordable in 1902 so it's do-able.

And Jenny will help the re-write. I'll be surprised if she doesn't. She simply cannot resist the urge to start pumping out the creativity surging through her blood... She gets itchy fingertips. Its annoying. Apparently. And to stop them itching she needs to write stuff.

Thats how I understand it anyway. And it explains how she manages to get that word counter thingy shooting ahead of everyone.

omouse said...

Yeah... that's about right.

Just cut and paste Athene's comments here.

That sounds like a cool quirk: She needs glasses, but keeps removing them, and losing or misplacing them.

Verve said...

What!?!? - Who are you? Laura Ingalls Wilder? Wanna be super-trite? Then don't have Charlotte go blind. Want to do something interesting with Charlotte, have her go out and get a tribal tattoo or something (even if it is only vogue now, not then).

Was that convincing enough?
