Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Which alternate universe did you wake up in today?

Word Count: 6543 as of 7pm.

Some days I am absolutely convinced I'm living in the evil alternate universe. You know the one, where everyone is opposite and Spock wears the goatee. Yeah, that one.

Jenny called and wanted to know if I was sad. No. My heart is broken.

Bush is a failure as president. I can't believe 51% of the county voted for preimptive war, trillion dollar deficets, "with us or against us" foreign politics, holding people in barely humane prisons for three years without habius corpus or a lawyer, FBI searching library records, no warrants for wire taps, assault weapons on the streets, lower taxes but huge increases in spending, proposed amendments to actually restrict civil liberities, no bid contracts, vanishing stock piles of weapons, privitization of Medicare, and a man who lost all three debates in an astonishing display of grimacing and frowning.

After all, it's hard work being the president.

Okay, to be fair: we won Pennsylvania. I devoted a lot of time and money and was not disappointed. I registered many people, secured absentee ballots for them, and brought others to the polls to vote. I'm proud of the work I did and how my efforts and the efforts of others showed.

And it was prety damn exciting to be living in a swing state, knowing I was doing all I could to make my vote count.

1 comment:

Athene19 said...

You have to look on the positive side:
1. You still have something to complain about
2. At least you're not in Kansas, where Bush swept the board (apparently)
3. John Kerry looks like the tree people from LOTR, an amusing fact that changes the way you look at him forever!

Anna thinks Kerry looks like Postman Pat. And she didn't know if he was Kerry or Carrie because both sound the same in an American accent. And she wants to know why Bush isn't on the stamps or coins. I said it would scare people when they mail a letter or buy something and then realise who they actually voted for.