Saturday, November 27, 2004


Last night at dinner, Andy and I discussed the merits of Thor's Lesser Known Cresent Wrench. And a usefull thing it is. It can open practically anything. I, of course, think it would be pretty nifty to have Thor's Training Hammer. Sure, not powerful enough for a grown god, but a good learning tool for a godling. And in the hands of a mere mortal...Bahahaha. Yeah, I was really tired after writing all day when Andy took me out for a movie followed by pancakes at Denny's.

Saw National Treasure. It wasn't bad, had some really cool parts, but it tried so hard to be Indianna Jones that is was a little painful. And Nicolas Cage seemed to be doing an Elvis impersionation in the first half of the movie, which was creepy. Overall, worth the price of admission. It was fun.

So this wasn't the glowiest of glowing reviews, I know. There were improbable things and out and out impossible things but the pace of the movie swept you along so fast there wasn't time to think, "How the hell do these guys have a detailed knowledge of Phialdelphia? How the hell did they run from Independence Hall to City Hall in one minute? It's like ten city blocks!" But it was fluffy fun which was what I was expecting and it was not worse than Van Helsing which is what I was dreading.

1 comment:

omouse said...

Only you and Andy....