Friday, November 12, 2004

I guess it's funny

First off, I hit the Wall. Ack. Stalled at 18,000. Last night squeezed out about fifty words. All rubbish. I scribbled in my notebook and drew little diagrams. Then I had a revelation. Oh, and it was funny.

I explained my idea to Andy. "See, Charlotte and Virginia inhabit two totally differnet castles. Charlotte's castle is dark and mysterious, a labyrinth, and she's always lost. Virgnia's castle is orderly and designed to contain the flow of the students. One way into the dormitories. One way into the librarys. No back doors or short cuts. She sees it with perfect clarity. It's a trap. The girls are trapped in the dormitories at night. There's only one exit but you have to get past the warden. It's never pass the fire code but it's 1902. Two different castles! It's funny."

"I guess it's a little bit funny."

Hmph. I think it's very funny.

What we do agree is funny: Andy called me Miss Wrong-wrong-wrongdiddly-ongo-wrong last night night, for some reason.

"Yes," I said, "that was my maiden name. Now I'm Mrs. He-thinks-he's-so-great-knows-it-all-smarty-pants."

"So you married up."

Ha fucking ha.

But I have written 500 words today. Hopefully this is the end of the Wall.

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