Sunday, November 28, 2004

Hell is overflowing into the elevators of the Tropicana

Yesterday was Natalie's birthday. She is now 21, she informed me. "What would you like to do tonight, birthdya girl? I asked, all innocent.

"I want the pizza in Atlanic City."

:"Okay." Yes, we drove and hour and a half for PIZZA. But, to be fair, it is actually the best pizza I've ever had. Plus you get all the fun of the Boardwalk and the casinos. Speaking of which, we parked at the Trop because was close to kick-ass pizza (I don't really know the place's proper name. Something in Italian.)

Waiting on the fourth floor for the elevators, we waited for a good ten minutes, watching elevator after elevator stop, open, reveal that it is filled to the brim with people, and decide to wait for the next elevator. The next was just the same. And the next. At the point when Andy said, "We already saw that guy! He was in the last elevator," we decided to walk down the stairs. Hell was full that night so everyone had to ride the elevators in the parking structure of the Tropicana.

So, the evening in review: walking on the Boardwalk on a windy November night, pizza, funnel cake (yum), video poker which I was doing quite well at but couldn't walk away when I was winning, and nickle slots which was just like flushing five bucks of nicks down the drain. It was fun. Andy before anyone asks, Natalie made reach 45,000 before I was allowed to go out and play.

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