Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I won! I won! Three time Nanowrimo winner!

And yes, we did go out and have a celebratory dinner. I wanted celebratory cocktails after dinner but Natalie did not have that kind of energy.

I would post the cute little winner's icon of the squirel with the viking helmet (two things I love together at last) but I can't be bother to figure out the bloggerbot right now. Tired. My hands ache from so typing.

While reachign 50,000 words I have not actually finished the story yet. There's lots more I haven't done and whole chapters which are only outlines that reads "Virginia goes to Miss Holz for help. Holz figures out a way to get the girls to London." Real quality literature. So, I will post the chapter I have completed. I will even post the chapters that have big chunks already written. But not tonight. Tired, I told you that already.

And now, I shall do nothing for a very long time.

Oh, got a Christmas present early. Andy took me shopping last night for new printer. It's very nice. No surprise Christmas morning, but at least I get the one I want. It's a Samsung ML 1740 laser printer. Very nice. Right, I'm meant to be doing nothing right now.

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