Saturday, January 01, 2005

It was an smacksident!

Last night, or sometime in the dark hours of the morning, I'm trying to sleep in an enjoy the holiday. The cat is doing his best to lick every inch of Andy's face and Andy is struggling. By struggling, I mean keeping perfectly still and whimpering but not doing a thing to defend himself against the cat. Fairly unhapply about being woken, I lean over, spy something round and furry, and smack it.

It was Andy's head. The cat, knowing that it was meant to for him, took off like a rocket.

"I'm sorry!" I plea. "It was an accident!"

"Sure you are, just a little smacksident."

1 comment:

Athene19 said...

Yeah, you just wanted an excuse to smack Andy, you husband-beater you! (heheheh!!)