Saturday, October 09, 2004

Friday Night Debates

The presidential debates last night night had some interesting points. I particuallry enjoyed the way Bush demonstrated his diplomacy style by talking over Charlie Gibson, the moderator, out of turn. Because when someone says it's not your turn and to shut up, you should just keep on talking.

Also, we played spot the wire. Yesterday, Fark linked to CNN an article stating that from Bush's mic in the first debate, there was an odd sort of feedback just before Bush opened his mouth. Almost as if he was wearing a wire and was being feed answers. The Bush Administration's explination: pre-echo. That's right, pre-echo. Echoing from Bush before he even opened his mouth. It might be more plausible if they had said it was Bush's deep telepathic connection with the nation, anticipating his every words.

So last night we were looking for signs of cheating. On Bush's right ear and neck was an oddly pink and plastic looking stretch of skin that went straight down into his shirt collar. He kept ajusting his jacket, pulling it closed. andy swears hs sawthe wire at the begining ofthe debate but I counld't see anything.

Today, that link on Fark does not exist and the article on CNN does not exist either. I followed that link and read that article.

But is is on the Guardian website here. Good ol' Guardian. The reporter finds proof (from C-SPAN footage) of an oddly shaped bulked between the President's shoulder blades. Very interesting. Wanna see the photo and chime in? I don't need to say that having someone read you lines in a DEBATE is cheating and if any of these rumors are true, they must be exposed before November 2.

However, go and register your opinion of who won the debate.

1 comment:

Athene19 said...

This is a pretty suspect photo... I'd like someone to try and explain how his is a result of bad tailoring (maybe the President should try Saville Row...?)